The AACE grants the PSP certification. To be eligible for this certification, one must have a minimum experience of four years in planning and scheduling and a four-year college or university degree. Those who have not acquired a university or a college degree must have at least eight years of experience in project management, scheduling, and planning. The PSP certification exam takes around five hours to complete and consists of 119 questions and writing an essay. Planning and Scheduling Professional certification should get renewed every three years unless the PSP certification holder has obtained 12 CEUs in these three years. نحن نؤمن أن التعليم هو أساس بناء مستقبل أفضل، ولهذا نقدم هذا المحتوى التعليمي مجانًا للجميع. ولكن، لتحقيق أثر أكبر والوصول إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من الأشخاص الذين قد يستفيدون من هذا المحتوى، نحن بحاجة kلى دعمك. كن شريكًا معنا في هذه الرحلة التعليمية من خلال:1️⃣ مشاركة هذا المحتوى مع أصدقائك. 2️⃣ نشر الفائدة بين زملائك لتعم الفائدة. 3️⃣ الانضمام إلى رسالتنا بأن تكون جزءًا من نشر العلم والمساهمة في تحسين حياة الآخرين. كل مشاركة منك تُعتبر خطوة نحو بناء مجتمع أكثر وعيًا ومعرفة. هدفنا أن نصل إلى كل شخص يبحث عن التعلم، ونثق أن دعمك سيكون له أثر كبير. We believe that education is the foundation of building a better future.“ This is why we offer this educational content free for everyone. However, to make a greater impact and reach as many people as possible who could benefit from this content, we need your support. Be our partner in this educational journey by: 1️⃣ Sharing this content with your friends. 2️⃣ Spreading the benefit among your colleagues to ensure it reaches more people. 3️⃣ Joining our mission to be part of spreading knowledge and contributing to improving the lives of others. Every share you make is a step toward building a more aware and informed community. Our goal is to reach everyone seeking knowledge, and we trust your support will make a huge difference.
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